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"I was in a trance right from the word go. Her beautiful crystal singing bowl, toning and voice created such a huge vortex of energy. I was literally swaying in my chair as she spoke."


Nilofer Safdar, Creator Illusion to Illumination Summit


“KA'ryna SH’ha has a unique and powerful gift. The connection with her spirit guides is undeniable.

Her ability to channel energy through her sixth sense/and higher consciousness has empowered me with vision and wisdom.

I recommend KA'ryna to anybody seeking serious focus and direction in their day to day lives as well as healing of the soul and body. 

Her perceptions are unmatched in any other human I have ever met in my lifetime."

Irving Garten,
International, historic preservationist
Mayer International




" After a remarkable personal session and enjoying the transformative power of one of KA'ryna SH'ha's speaking engagements it is understandable that those who are seeking, are drawn to this light.

The intensity, nature and volume of energetic information expressing with such gentle ease through KA’ryna Sh’Ha , clearly indicates a long standing open communication with a very pure source. ​

The expression pours forth with power and clarity through her energetic art, speaking and personal sessions.

Here, there is great guidance and help for those who would step into the true greatness of their own being and their connection to All That Is."

With deep respect,

Marc B. Cash...
Resonant Heart Teacher
Nov. 12, 2011 Denver Colorado




Hi KA'ryna,

As you know, my life has been interesting in the last while, to say the least. Lots of good things have actually been happening, but it always seemed like they were limited like there was a ceiling that I couldn't get by.

After our session I feel like there is no ceiling. I honestly feel like there's been a massive breakthrough, but not just one breakthrough, a whole series of breakthroughs where I find myself willing for maybe the first time to actually give myself some credit for some of the amazing things that I have been responsible for and that I have done. I now realize because of your insights, that this modesty as I put it was actually holding me back and keeping me from achieving the heights that I'm supposed to achieve.

I'm finding it easier to say thank you. Instead of simply shying away and trying to deflect credit or praise. I feel that I deserve the complements now, when I'm given them, and I am grateful to both the people who give them to me and to myself for earning them.

I've always had this deep knowing within myself that I am meant to make a difference in the world and to help others to do the same.

Thanks to your unique way of presenting the facts, if you will, about the various layers of my true being. I now find myself with a much better understanding of myself an understanding which now allows me to reach heights that before this talk we had I never would've thought possible.

I could go on and on but I guess after all is said and done, the most important thing that I can say to you is thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your gift indeed your gifts of insight, compassion, interpretation and love with me.

The only other thing that I can say now is to let you know how truly grateful I am to have met you, how grateful I am that you were inspired to share with me your unique and beautiful abilities and how grateful I am to have rewritten my opinion of myself to "Morry version 2.0" :)

Please feel free to use any or all of this to share with others so that hopefully they may be inspired to take advantage of your unique offerings so that they too can have their eyes opened to their true and beautiful reality like mine has been.”


With much love and admiration and respect,


Morry Zelcovitch – Brainwave Entrainment Technology, Inc.



I want to thank you for providing new insight into my journey and your words of inspiration! I walked away tonight from this session with an incredible tingling sensation, peace and harmony. You have confirmed that I am on the right track and to keep going with confidence, courage, inspiration, and leadership!"


David Furlong director of Sales Streampoint Solutions Head of




As we all know people, things and places show up in our life and on our way when we are ready. And such was my meeting KA'ryna SH’ha. :) I would like to express my gratitude to Ka'ryna for a wonderful session I had with GrandMother. I am new to KA'ryna's and GrandMother's teachings and as such I had no expectations on what it may be or look like.
To my joy, the session was filled with lots of love, compassion and soulful energies to teach me about the importance of a heart connection and leading with the heart- “I Am Here”. It was a real pleasure to work with KA'ryna and GrandMother and even more delightful, since GrandMother had so many 'profound' messages for me that truly gave me A-HA moments.
Thank you KA'ryna for your generosity, kindness and holding space for me on this journey. I would recommend this to anyone in search of answers for 'self' and who are looking for clarity in their "personal alchemy".

 feeling so loved.

Renata Fulawka‎
Personal Journeys Consultant and Soul Alchemy Coach




Dear KA’ryna,
Wow after our session, I sat with my eyes closed for a little while taking it all in and giving thanks. When I opened my eyes it was 4:44 pm. The perfect ending to perfect session! I Am so grateful to and for your presence in my life…and your guidance along my journey. You ARE my rock and if it were not for you and your Love, Compassion and Teachings along with so much more my life would never have changed the way it has. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You… I honor you sooo much and appreciate you more than you know!

Many Many Blessings,
Diana Chan Hallandale Beach Florida




Testimonial Regarding a specific Advanced Sacred Teaching…“The Seven Mountain Meditation”

“The Seven Mountain Meditation” with KA’ryna SH’ha is beyond words that can truly describe its powerful ability to bring you into alignment with your multi-dimensional self.

She introduced it to me as a once in a lifetime experience. It certainly is that and much more!

It is an adventure or more of a journey within yourself which is guided gently and you are co-creator from deep within your True Self.

The effect of this for me has validated many inner wisdoms and knowledge of my ancient heritage in a way that I can now feel the deep resonance and bring it forth more easily and less fearfully.

It was powerful Journey… more than a meditation, where I could actually manifest and acknowledge my Sovereign Self in many elemental and etheric forms.

Having now spent some time with that amazing energy it continues to transmute much of how I now interact with the world and bring me back into alignment with my true sense of purpose.

-Charlie Riverman Bergeron



When I first met KA'ryna SH’ha, I didn't really know what to expect. The moment she opened her mouth and started singing, tears fell down my face. There was a sense of familiarity in that tone, a feeling of coming back home. I say meeting GrandMother AH’LU’Sha’Mah is not for beginners on the path. Looking into her eyes and seeing Truth mirroring back to you is really powerful.

Working with her helped me to open up my throat to expression, I learned the magnetism of my open heart, and how it really feels to be whole and present. There is nowhere to go though, you will be seen.

Looking at a mirror of my soul. This is how I experience GrandMother. The frequency of Truth delivered through her voice moves the stuck energy within my body. It's simple and effective. With her I learned to create with my heart, to open my throat to express my gifts and to access deep emotions to be released.

-Clarissa Vaz de Magalhães
Visionary at Deconstructing Cliches
Escola Cristo Redentor - Academia




 It is a true delight to be in KA’ryna’s multi-dimensional presence and connection to a divine source, as GrandMother AH’LU’Sha’Mah.
I recall the first times in participating in her gatherings; I honestly did not expect what I experienced, thru her. I felt a cosmic wonder of reincarnated feelings of energy. The whole experience was wonderful. And her personal/private sessions were authentic and blissful.
I hope others, who are expanding their consciousness, get to experience being in her wondrous and divine aura.
She is truly a messenger from an ancient source.


Forever grateful….

-William Hugo Yang



Beloved KA'ryna, How can I thank you enough for your most precious birthing gift of my personalized "ENERGY SHIELD". 

Your energy shield "blew me away" with the remarkable accuracy of the way it depicted my present situation on the physical level.

It made me feel so understood and further gave me a deep realization that indeed my present physical suffering had deep import for myself and humanity. What was most profound for me was the confirmation of WHO I AM in THE DIVINE level of BEING.

thanks to your blessed gift.


-Love and Light, 


DIANA Matthew Unity Minister, Ont.Canada



The strongest message that I received from KA'ryna was the discovery of my very own personal healing energy that I always wanted but was afraid to acknowledge.

KA'ryna vaporized every self-imposed fear I had created and gave me the confidence to no longer fear anything and look forward to the future!"

-Maury Zelcovitch, Toronto, Entrepreneur

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